How to make Espresso
The espresso is one of the fastest, and most unique ways of making coffee. Originating in Italy, it's the only brewing method that uses high pressured water to create your brew. It's fast, the flavours are intense, and when extracted correctly, it can make a beautifully complex cup of coffee. Have it with milk, or have it black, either way it's delicious, and one of the most widely consumed styles of coffee around the globe.
What you'll need
Nice to have
Every bean to cup machine is totally different, so we've not broken this down into steps - but we do have some tips to share with you to make sure you get the best cup of coffee every time.
Whilst each bean to cup machine works differently, the principles are still the same. You want to use a '1:2 ratio' for your espresso. Meaning that, for a double shot, if you're using 20g of ground espresso into your machine, you want 40g (40ml) of liquid espresso extracted into your cup.
When manually tamping your coffee, you'll want to lean in with your body weight and make sure you're getting an even level of ground coffee - you'll get the best extraction this way.
Always make sure you gently place your portafilter into the machine and avoid hitting it on the side, as this will disrupt the grounds inside the portafilter (which isn't what anybody wants).
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