Privacy Policy

Former Customers of Moving Beans Limited

Privacy Policy

The below applies only to former customers of Moving Beans Limited who are on their own customer database who place an order on using the discount code “MOVINGBEANS” between November 2023 and February 2024. If you are not a former customer of Moving Beans Limited (even if you are an existing customer of ours) you have no right to use the code.

As a former customer of Moving Bean Limited, in choosing to use this offer, you are consenting to additional data processing by Grind Coffee Roasters Limited.

This additional data processing is limited to sharing your email address with Moving Beans Limited to validate that you have previously purchased from them. The purpose of this processing is limited to determining the success of the offer, and in determining an affiliate payment to Moving Beans Limited as explained in their own mailing to their customer based on 1st November 2023.