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Introducing Grind One

Introducing our very own pod machine, designed to get the best from our home-compostable Nespresso® pods and inspired by the Italian espresso machines we use every day in our London cafés.

Squeeze Every Drop.

With 19 bars of pressure, it's designed to make the most of our home-compostable coffee pods for Nespresso® machines.

Stainless Steel Design.

it's built to last - an antidote to the mass-market plastic machines that seem destined for landfill.

Nespresso® Compatible.

With 19 bars of pressure, it's designed to make the most of our home-compostable coffee pods for Nespresso® machines.

The most sustainable Pods you can buy.

Our coffee is ethically sourced from sustainable farms around the world and we deliver every order carbon-positive.